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Showing posts from August, 2017

Show HN: An API to provision custom hostnames with SSL

Show HN: An API to provision custom hostnames with SSL We launched an API for custom hostnames today. A simple HTTP post with a hostname gets a temp hostname with CNAME/a record instructions, as soon as DNS is setup we issue SSL and start accepting traffic for that hostname. It's the quickest way we know of to provision custom hostnames: When we started building Fly, we figured it was too late to "make SSL easy and the customers will come". Lets Encrypt changed the world, and we knew many companies rolling their own SSL support with nginx, Traefik, etc, etc. It seemed like a solved problem. It turns out that SSL is still a pain, particularly companies with lots of hostnames pointed at them ... anyone hosting apps/content on behalf of their own customers. Distributing certificates, keeping them renewed, and — most of all‚ making https fast is still hard. Devs can solve the basic problem in a week or so with a proxy, but then it sits, and no one feels

Show HN: Open source Deep Learning Background removal service

Show HN: Open source Deep Learning Background removal service Me and my colleague have been working on a small POC for Background removal. We used semantic segmentation trained on selfies, and documented the process of training and deploying a Keras model with Docker, Heroku and a Gitlab CI in 3 posts: Server side implementation Client side implementation using KerasJS Training post Deploying Keras model to Heroku with Gitlab CI KerasJS client side post Server side source code Client side post August 28, 2017 at 08:31PM

Launch HN: NextDrop Technologies (YC S17) – Water Marketplace for Urban India

Launch HN: NextDrop Technologies (YC S17) – Water Marketplace for Urban India Hi HN, I'm Anu, the Co-Founder and CEO of NextDrop Technologies ( ). We are a water marketplace for urban India- we connect water buyers with suppliers. There are 400M people living in Indian cities today, but only 200M of them get reliable access to the public utility water. The other half have to buy private water, often from water trucks! Water buyers have a problem because surprisingly, people are paying more for their water than for electricity. My friend who lives on the outskirts of Bangalore, India (a major urban city) paid $50 for water and $40 for electricity last month. The price of water has tripled in the last decade and is on track to continue. What’s worse is that since water is getting so expensive and scarce, water trucks are starting to source water from dodgy sources like highly polluted surface water and really deep wells. Water suppliers have a problem because they

Launch HN: Life Bot (YC S17) – Voice app to help with daily activities

Launch HN: Life Bot (YC S17) – Voice app to help with daily activities Hey HN! We are Jess and Oscar, the founders of Life Bot, a voice app that helps you complete daily activities. It’s available on Amazon Alexa. To enable, say “Alexa, enable Life Bot” or click on: Alexa is useful for things like timers, music, and news, but so far, most people don’t bother with Alexa apps. Voice apps are hard to find, they tend to do just one thing, and each has a different name and set of phrasing you need to remember. Life Bot solves this by bringing the most-used features under one voice app. We’ve made the on-boarding process easy and have eliminated the need to visit the Alexa app. We also aren't tied to just an echo device, since users aren’t always at home. A popular feature we have is morning news - Life Bot gives your morning headlines through Alexa, but can send the full article to your phone to read up on your commute. Or you can set up a reminder to pick up mi

Show HN: – discover and learn shortcuts easily and quickly

Show HN: – discover and learn shortcuts easily and quickly Hi, my name is Yadong and I'm learning to build web apps. I just made a website ( ) for shortcut references in the past week. It has very clean UI and shows only the relevant shortcuts you need with short and precise descriptions. The goal of this tool is to help users learn shortcuts of a specific application in a few minutes. Let me know if you like it and I'll add GIF and search support. Thanks! August 24, 2017 at 11:41AM

Launch HN: Darmiyan (YC S17) – Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease

Launch HN: Darmiyan (YC S17) – Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Hi HN, I'm Padideh Kamali-Zare, co-founder and CEO at Darmiyan in the current YC batch. We work on early detection of Alzheimer's disease. I'm told that launching on HN should come with the backstory of how we came to work on this, so I need to tell you about my grandmother, the most precious gift in my life. She was a poet who raised me, and was always full of life and stories to keep me amazed and excited. As the first female bank executive in a conservative society in the middle east, she was also socially progressive and outstanding. A brilliant brain. A beautiful mind. A few months before she died, on a sunny day, she told me: “Do you know what I want the most from my life?” I stared at her in silence. She continued: “To die decently while I still remember myself, my memories and my loved ones. It feels like as I’m getting older, I’m somehow losing my brain. As if my brain was lemon juice before

Show HN: I'm not a programer and I'm building a Saas task-manager

Show HN: I'm not a programer and I'm building a Saas task-manager I'm documenting everything about my process. From learning to code, to building the app, and all the way to my outreach efforts. I'm learning as I go and sharing it with everyone who's not a programer, and is daunted to build a software on their own. Trust me. If I can do it, anyone can! You can find my updates on: well as video updates on Would love to hear your feedback on my progress and if you have any suggestions on what I can do better. There's so many task managers out there, I'm trying to build a clean one which will help individuals and small teams track their progress and get shi* done Also, My Newsletter is growing, which is great because it's helping me share the project with so many people = Feedback is king! August 23, 2017 at 04:51PM

Show HN: How to discuss with opinionated people using the Socratic method[video]

Show HN: How to discuss with opinionated people using the Socratic method[video] We all have an opinionated colleague, manager or even a relative. Discussing issues may get tricky and frustrating. In some cases this can end up in aggressive debates where nobody changes opinion. I came across a YouTube channel where a guy uses the Socratic method to discuss god believes with random people, in a few questions he gets people to lower their level confidence. On top of that his discussions are friendly, last only for 5 minutes and he is often greeted at the end of the conversation. This video shows off the Socratic method in action: * Here is the trailer of the channel: * August 23, 2017 at 05:27PM

Show HN: The best time to visit any city

Show HN: The best time to visit any city I wanted to build a tool to help people decide when and where to travel . As I started building, I realized that "when" and "where" need separate treatment to be most useful. The map tool handles "where" best: Clicking through each week would be frustrating for those who know where they want to travel but not when. For these people I built "best time to travel" pages using the same data. My hope is this site will help travelers plan. This data is taken from the National and Atmospheric Administration's global summaries of the day (NOOA's GSoD). I used an SQL database to crunch the numbers into monthly and weekly averages by station. For the "best time" pages I used and calculated several more variables. I then imported the data into Tableau and added the filters you see on the map. I also used data from the State Department regarding travel advi

Launch HN: Mystro (YC S17) – Automation for On-Demand Drivers

Launch HN: Mystro (YC S17) – Automation for On-Demand Drivers Hi! I'm Matt from Mystro ( ) and we're in the current YC batch. We're building an app for on-demand drivers to automate the process of driving for multiple platforms. My co-founder got the idea for Mystro while completing over 10,000 trips as an Uber/Lyft driver. We automate switching multiple on-demand apps on and off. This ensures that drivers are available on all services to get the maximum number of rides but never get penalized for not accepting a ride because they are already on a trip. We also automatically accept trips according to driver's settings so they do not have to look at/touch their phones to accept trips while driving. Currently, we support Uber and Lyft, but we are planning to add many more rideshare and delivery platforms as we grow. We have found that using Mystro makes drivers 30% more money, reduces distracted driving, and makes driving much more relaxing for our d

Show HN: – A simple way to track features

Show HN: – A simple way to track features Hey, HN! Cody and Jake here, the founders of FeatureTracker ( ). We have one simple goal, to allow creators to make data-backed decisions when building interfaces. Maybe you have a really fancy date picker and are looking for ways to scale it back. With FeatureTracker you can track the granular usage of each component of that date picker, then decide what to keep and what to cut based on actual numbers. We track specific clicks and provide a few simple data points to make you feel a little more comfortable making decisions and less like you’re driving into the dense fog that can be product development. We built this to help us answer questions and hope it can help a few others too. We're aiming to keep things simple as possible. We'd love to hear from you, so let us know if you have any questions or have feedback. Thanks, Cody and Jake August 20, 2017 at 05:10AM

Launch HN: Plasticity (YC S17) – APIs for human-like natural language interfaces

Launch HN: Plasticity (YC S17) – APIs for human-like natural language interfaces Hi, this is Ajay and Alex, and we’re the founders of Plasticity ( ). We're building an API that helps developers create human-like natural language interfaces. Four years ago, we hacked 3rd party commands into Siri without jailbreaking before Alexa Skills or SiriKit were released ( ). It was the first App Store for voice commands. Since then, we’ve worked on NL interfaces at Google and Apple Siri. Now we're tackling the next problem: products using NLP are fairly simplistic in what they can do for users. For example, systems like Siri still struggle to directly answer a basic question like "When is the Y Combinator application due?" because it can't understand and reason where the answer may lie in a sentence on Y Combinator's website. We’re approaching the problem differently by understanding the structure of language and relationships

Launch HN: VergeSense (YC S17) – AI-Powered Sensors for Building Management

Launch HN: VergeSense (YC S17) – AI-Powered Sensors for Building Management Hello HN! This is Dan and Kelby (tripleplay369), the founders of VergeSense ( ). We're building an AI-powered facility management platform that helps companies use their buildings more efficiently. The cost of real estate is typically the #2 cost center for any company (after people), but most companies don't have a good way of measuring how their building is being used. Our product solves this by identifying wasted areas and recommending more productive uses for that space (e.g. turning unused offices into conference rooms or employee lounge areas). The core of our offering is a discrete sensor that leverages multiple inputs (primarily an imaging sensor + PIR-based motion sensing), which feed into a neural network model that executes inference directly on the device. This allows us to do powerful processing on inexpensive hardware. Our machine-learning stack is built around Tensor

Launch HN: PullRequest (YC S17) – On-Demand Code Review

Launch HN: PullRequest (YC S17) – On-Demand Code Review Hi! I am Lyal Avery, founder of PullRequest ( - we’re currently in the YC S17 batch. PullRequest is offering code review as a service. We built PullRequest to help developers. After waiting several days for feedback on a pull request while a colleague was on vacation, I knew there had to be a way to improve this process. Our mission is to improve code quality and save time for dev teams. We combine static and linting tools with real on-demand reviewers to help augment your current code review process. Dev managers like extra coverage, but our real intent is to free up developers to make better software more efficiently We’re onboarding experts across a lot of different languages for this reason. Sometimes teams might only have one person working within a given framework/language – it can be difficult to get objective feedback before shipping to production if you’re working on an island. All reviewers sign NDAs to p

Launch HN: ShiftDoc (YC S17) – On-demand healthcare staffing marketplace

Launch HN: ShiftDoc (YC S17) – On-demand healthcare staffing marketplace Hi HN! We're Puja and Amit. We are the co-founders of ShiftDoc ( ). Our website is the first online marketplace that directly connects private medical practices with healthcare professionals looking for temporary work. As doctors, we experienced first-hand the difficulties of finding coverage for time off or additional help at our private practice. We would spend hours calling friends from our Rolodex or posting on Facebook, with limited success. The other option was to use a staffing agency, that charged between 40-100% fee for finding coverage. We realized that this problem can be solved by bringing both sides of the market together on one platform and eliminating the middleman, so we created ShiftDoc. We use the Airbnb type model to help offices search for available healthcare professionals during their time of need. Eventually, we plan to add automated credentialing and video calling

Launch HN: Spreebie (DraperDarkFlow Portfolio Co.) – Neighborhood Shopping App

Launch HN: Spreebie (DraperDarkFlow Portfolio Co.) – Neighborhood Shopping App Gen Z had their formative years after the 2008 recession - that means they don’t really know what life was like before then. They are tough, independent and fearless. They also don’t wanna make the same mistakes that their parents (Gen X) and millennials made - debt, debt and more debt. They wanna make money during college and are THE generation that’s gonna stick it to the status quo not out of some misplaced resentment but through the nature of their upbringing. Our service, Spreebie, gives them the tools that COMPLETELY crush old notions of trade/transactions and thus gives them the freedom to live out who they are while making money. Benefits:- - Sellers don’t need a fixed physical location to function on the store. You don’t need to have a brick-and-mortar store or be in the same location twice. You just tap a switch and whoever is around a two mile radius can see what you’re selling. - Real Human conne

Show HN: Dynamic image size generator

Show HN: Dynamic image size generator Hi, Firstly, the link to the tool - I created a dynamic image sizing tool that allows images of any size to be generated on the fly. It's aims are as follows: a) Allow users of sites to upload images of any size without the site owner having to worry about their dimensions or having to resize them. b) Reduce load times for sites as images can be stored on their own dedicated server and be served in milliseconds. I'd love to hear some feedback as to what you think and whether you'd consider using this tool and if not, why not? All constructive criticism is welcome! August 16, 2017 at 06:05PM

Launch HN: Thematic (YC S17) Customer Feedback Analysis via NLP

Launch HN: Thematic (YC S17) Customer Feedback Analysis via NLP Hi! I’m the CEO of Thematic, . We analyse customer feedback to tell companies how to increase customer satisfaction and reduce churn. We are one of the handful of companies that got into YC through the Startup School, and (I have to say) the only company that signed YC itself as a customer! I have a PhD in NLP and ML and was consulting when two large media companies came to me with a problem: They collect tons of customer feedback in free text as part of their NPS surveys, but don’t have the time to sift through the responses. This turned out to be common. Most companies collect feedback but, especially in large companies, nobody reads this data, and definitely not people who are in charge of strategy. Customers are screaming what’s wrong and what they want, but nobody is listening. I tried a few open-source packages but found that none worked well. Developed on canonical text like news article or Wik

Launch HN: Lambda School (YC S17) – CS education that's free until you get a job

Launch HN: Lambda School (YC S17) – CS education that's free until you get a job Hey HN, We're Lambda School ( ). We train people to become software engineers, and we charge nothing until a student gets a software job that pays more than $50k/yr. At that point we take 17% of income for two years (capped at a maximum of $30k total). There are so many people held back from a high quality education simply because they can't afford the cost and/or risk. Even if you can get student loans, four years and a potential six figures of student loans is a daunting proposition, especially if you come from a lower-class background. New alternatives, such as code bootcamps, either require expensive loans or tens of thousands of dollars in cash up front, which most people don't have, and they vary widely in quality. This leaves a lot of very smart people working for not much money. We're different. We're an educational institution that owns the risk: if yo

Launch HN: HealthWiz (YC S17) – Navigating health benefits to lower costs

Launch HN: HealthWiz (YC S17) – Navigating health benefits to lower costs Hi HN — My name is Nate Fox. Along with Nate Maslak (Nate^2), I am one of the cofounders of HealthWiz ( ) in the current YC batch. HealthWiz guides employees to convenient and cost-effective healthcare decisions and lowers healthcare costs by eliminating wasted spend. We help users understand what’s wrong and how to get better quickly and cost-effectively. While lowering costs frequently means taking away benefits, we do the opposite — we bring transparency and information to a messy healthcare system that allows employees to better navigate their benefits, resulting in less wasted spend and a faster return to health. This is personal for us. When Nate Maslak's mom needed to find a doctor for joint pain, she went to one physician, then another, then another. Six months and thousands of dollars later, she still wasn’t better and gave up on looking. Nate and I found it ludicrous that despi

Launch HN: CocuSocial (YC S17) – Marketplace for cooking classes at restaurants

Launch HN: CocuSocial (YC S17) – Marketplace for cooking classes at restaurants Hi HN, I am Billy Guan, co-founder of CocuSocial ( ) participating in YC S17 batch. CocuSocial is a marketplace for cooking classes that are hosted at restaurants and hotels. Traditional cooking classes are expensive and intensive, but we want to make them affordable, easy to access and fun. We offer a relaxed way of learning, whether it is an interesting background about a cuisine, a useful cooking technique or a delicious recipe. To lower down the cost of cooking class and make it accessible to everyone, we partner with local restaurants and hotels who host cooking classes during their slow nights or weekends. We encourage everyone who love food or cooking to try us (only in New York so far) especially if you are celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or any other special occasions. We also help planning private events like corporate team building activities, bachelorette parties, brid

Show HN: ABCs of Programming, a children’s picture book

Show HN: ABCs of Programming, a children’s picture book As a programmer I wanted a way to explain to my toddler what I do at work. Currently I tell him I give hugs to robots and write email. So my wife and I wrote a picture book about programming concepts called "The ABCs of Programming" August 9, 2017 at 08:41PM

Launch HN: Muzmatch (YC S17) – A place where 400M single Muslims can meet

Launch HN: Muzmatch (YC S17) – A place where 400M single Muslims can meet Hey HN! Ryan and Shaz here. We’re building muzmatch (YC S17), an app that helps single Muslims meet their partner. We refer to ourselves as a dating app largely for SEO but the reality is our users don’t tend to date, they marry! Marriage is central to many Muslims’ upbringings and ethnic, family, and religious pressures make it a difficult search. The casual Western apps don’t cater for this market and the existing Islam-specific offerings are outdated, ineffective websites. As a practising Muslim, Shaz experienced this problem firsthand. He quit a 10 year career in banking to write and release an MVP back in April ’15. With promising traction, he found me (Ryan) on LinkedIn in the then New Year. It was clear it could be a massive opportunity but I believed it needed to broaden its appeal (then it was as an ultra serious marriage service) and modernise its branding/marketing to position it for the new generation

Launch HN: Dropleaf (YC S17) – subscription service for indie PC games

Launch HN: Dropleaf (YC S17) – subscription service for indie PC games I'm Vikram, one of the founders of Dropleaf ( ), a subscription service for all-you-can-play indie PC games. Zi (Rygeko) and I started Dropleaf because, as gamers, we feel that space around games could be so much better. With the rise of tools that make games easier to make, more people from diverse walks of life are creating games. That means the potential for more games that speak to a wider set of people, and we think that’s really good for the industry. We want to encourage that trend in a few ways: Discoverability: It’s hard for smaller developers to find people who love their games, and it’s also harder for gamers to find games that will resonate. Our focus on indies and our discovery tools mean that we’ll be able to connect devs with the players who will connect with their art. Diversity: We think the industry wins when gamers, devs, and media are more diverse and inclusive. One of our

Show HN: A 3D/VR Bitcoin Blockchain Browser

Show HN: A 3D/VR Bitcoin Blockchain Browser Hi HN, ( ) is a free 3D and VR Bitcoin Blockchain browser available for Windows, Android (with Google Cardboard for Virtual Reality), Linux and MacOS. The tool lets you enter a starting address or transaction, then navigate the Bitcoin network as far as you like (or as your hardware will allow, performance wise) to see inflows and outflows, all in 3D (or VR with Cardboard). Would love to hear feedback from HN folks! August 7, 2017 at 03:15PM

Show HN: Twitch Plays Doom

Show HN: Twitch Plays Doom This is the inevitable post after jeff_harris released restful-doom twitch-plays-doom is a Python Twitch IRC->restful-doom proxy to control doomguy with a staggering 8 second delay. The project was Saturday night's 'I wonder if I can make this work' session. Since it's been live there has been a team of four successfully make it to half way through E01M01. I've since added godmode to the chat (you can guess the command). This was fun, hope others get some enjoyment out of it. Twitch Stream/Chat twitch-plays-doom restful-doom chocolate-doom August 6, 2017 at 10:24AM

Launch HN: AssemblyAI (YC S17) – API for customizable speech recognition

Launch HN: AssemblyAI (YC S17) – API for customizable speech recognition Hey HN, I’m the founder of AssemblyAI ( ). We're building an API for customizable speech recognition. Developers and companies use our API for things like transcribing phone calls and building voice powered smart devices. Unlike current speech recognition APIs, developers can customize our API to more accurately recognize an unlimited amount of industry specific words or phrases unique to what they're building without any training required. For example, you can recognize thousands of product or person names with our API. Or you can more accurately recognize commands/phrases common or custom to your use case. We've developed our own deep neural network speech recognition architecture, and aren't using any open source speech frameworks like Kaldi or Sphinx (just Tensorflow). Because of this, we're able to run things more affordably and pass those savings on to developers. I

Launch HN: Meetingbird (YC S17) – A Calendar for Teams

Launch HN: Meetingbird (YC S17) – A Calendar for Teams Hi HN! We’re Henry and Paul, cofounders of Meetingbird ( ) in the current YC batch. We're building a calendar for teams. Calendars have traditionally been built for individuals, not teams. As teams grow, calendars become so busy that optimal scheduling and time management is nearly impossible without software. Meetingbird analyzes participants' availability, meeting rooms, and other constraints to quickly find the best meeting time and location. When team members' calendars are completely booked, Meetingbird understands which meetings can more easily be rescheduled than others, and inputs that to the scheduler. The scheduler improves as it better understands everyone’s calendar preferences. Our goal is a calendar that makes scheduling easy, allowing everyone to spend less time scheduling and more time getting things done. For individuals, Meetingbird serves as a beautiful (we hope!) calendar that m

Launch HN: 70MillionJobs (YC S17) – Job board for people with criminal records

Launch HN: 70MillionJobs (YC S17) – Job board for people with criminal records Hi HN, My name is Richard Bronson and I'm the founder/CEO of 70MillionJobs ( ). Our website is the Internet's first job board for 70 million Americans—1 in 3 adults—with criminal records. I'm something of a domain expert in this area because I myself have a criminal record. In the early 1990s, I worked on Wall Street and some of what I did was illegal. For a time I was a partner at the infamous Wolf of Wall Street firm, Stratton Oakmont (Scorcese film). I went on to build a large financial services firm, but despite having paid everyone back, I ended up with a 2 year Federal prison sentence. I was guilty. I experienced first hand how difficult it was to get on with life after going through the "system." I served as Director at Defy Ventures, a great non-profit in the reentry space, but was interested in a scalable solution to ex-offender unemployment and resultant

Launch HN: Guggy (YC S17) – Make your friends laugh with personalized GIFs

Launch HN: Guggy (YC S17) – Make your friends laugh with personalized GIFs Hi everyone, I'm Rotem from Guggy. We help you make your friends laugh by turning your text messages into personalized, funny GIFs. We're currently serving 4M GIFs daily. It works like this: Whenever you want to spice up your conversation, you click on the Guggy button and get a selection of GIFs with your text in them. If you find one that you like and that you think is funny, you click it and a link gets copied to your clipboard. When we started Guggy, we were trying to provide non-technical users with an easy way of creating funny GIFs, and for that we built a GIF editor, only to discover that the real problem was that people had a hard time combining the right text with the right GIF. That got us thinking that we should try to automatically create the text/image pairing, relieving users from the need to search and match. To do that, we've built an NLP engine that understands 'messaging langua

Show HN: Shonin – Streaming Body Camera

Show HN: Shonin – Streaming Body Camera Hi everyone, In light of recent events, we've built a streaming security/body camera. We've launched it on Kickstarter today and there seems to be some interest in it. Would appreciate any and all feedback/support. The project page is here: The website is here: August 1, 2017 at 09:46PM

Show HN: Mini ICOs of physical (art) pieces

Show HN: Mini ICOs of physical (art) pieces Hi everyone, We just launched possibly a first ICO of a physical object ever. The project page is here: And the first ICO page is here: The first item sold is just a rat mascot with no artistic purpose, but possibly - a high historical one :) The site requires MetaMask to track ICO's progress - we'll be fixing that soon. Any feedback will be appreciated. Especially potential new sellers, ideas for things anyone would be willing to buy, and ideas for investment funds willing to play with such tokens :) August 1, 2017 at 08:45PM