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Showing posts from 2017

Show HN: W84it mindful consumption tool

Show HN: W84it mindful consumption tool is a budgeting tool for non-essential purchases based on the principal of delayed gratification. The goal is to help users keep a budget and avoid impulse purchases. By default users can only buy something when they have waited long enough to earn the allowance to get it but there is an option to allow for a negative balance. I made this over the past few weekends. I know that the login screen and frontend need a lot of work but I would appreciate any and all feedback. To give you an idea of what it looks like this is my current list: Daily allowance: $1.66 Total Saved: $10.23 * The End is Nigh - Nintendo Switch 12 days left * Cacao Chocolate Board Game 22 days left * Human: Fall Flat [Online Game Code] 31 days left * Trajan Board Game 62 days left Disclaimer: This site uses Amazon affiliate links. I'm hoping to earn enough to cover the hosting and the DNS entry and hopefully one boardgame per year ;-). December 20, 2017 at 02:

Show HN: Convert your API to Alexa skill or Google action in 5 mins

Show HN: Convert your API to Alexa skill or Google action in 5 mins website: Api to bot helps you create voice applications for Alexa and Google assistant without coding. Convert your REST API to a voice application in few minutes. Check out this video( ) where we create an Alexa skill for product hunt in 3 minutes. December 17, 2017 at 02:15PM

Show HN: WebRTC Data Channels Example

Show HN: WebRTC Data Channels Example Hi! I made this GitHub repo to try and show WebRTC data channels and the connection establishment flow in a different way from what I was able to find online. My aim with this repository is to make WebRTC data channels accessible to any web developer by showcasing offerer and answerer separately for total novices (makes it much clearer what's going on on each end of the connection) as well as combined approach where a peer can be both offerer and answerer. I use postMessage instead of a real signalling channel, because I got fed up with people bringing whatever 3rd party signalling solutions to their WebRTC tutorials and I want for this to be as simple to set up and run as possible. That's why it returns off file protocol - no server needed, just open and play! One more goal with this tutorial is to keep it up to date. Once a supported browser (Chrome, Firefox) starts complaining about a deprecated API or the WebRTC sp

Launch HN: Mirror (YC W17) – turn 1 selfie into 100s of emoji that look like you

Launch HN: Mirror (YC W17) – turn 1 selfie into 100s of emoji that look like you Hey HN! We are launching an app (Mirror) that uses a single selfie to create ~250 emoji/stickers that look like you and your friends. We previously started a large online travel company in Russia (Ostrovok, >$500m in sales this year) and while there got very interested in AI as a tool to solve business objectives like predicting cancelations or conversion rates to inform marketing spend. And when we started something new, we wanted a product that had extremely high-frequency usage to build feedback loops into + something that a lot of humans really want to do, but that AI can do better. Emoji keyboards sound like trivial toys, but this is actually a path to teaching AI one of the most complex human social behaviors. Offline, our faces communicate the majority of information that passes between us; far more than words do. In fact there is a whole piece of our brain (fusiform gyrus) dedicated to facial an

Show HN: CoinTray – Bitcoin / Altcoin Exchange Balance Tracker for Mac

Show HN: CoinTray – Bitcoin / Altcoin Exchange Balance Tracker for Mac Hello HN, today I released my CoinTray app which is a lightweight Bitcoin / Altcoin Balance tracker for Mac. It's a status bar app that displays your accumulated USD balance of your crypto coin portfolios on Kraken, Bitfinex, Bittrex, Poloniex, Coinbase and GDAX. In future updates, CoinTray will also be able to display the balance in your local currency as well as fetch balances from individual wallets instead of exchanges. Please check it out and give some feedback: If you're interested in the premium features, enter coupon code HELLOWORLD for a 30% discount until Monday. Thanks! December 1, 2017 at 05:48PM

Show HN: Pokemon Emerald Emulator

Show HN: Pokemon Emerald Emulator Hi there, this is a toy project I worked on for the past months. It's an early stage pokemon emerald emulator. Maps, tiles, animations, warps, sprites etc. are extracted from the provided ROM file. There is a online demo [0]. After dragging a ROM file into the browser window, you can walk and explore the complete pokemon emerald world. The game engine is created only for testing purposes, you will encounter a zillion bugs. If you don't have a ROM file on hand (Attention, large GIFs): - Warps: - Behaviors: - Zooming: - World Map: [0] November 18, 2017 at 09:44PM

Show HN: Zalando checkout proces is broken beyond repair

Show HN: Zalando checkout proces is broken beyond repair I had to share this : I am trying to order some clothing from ( big in Europe ) and I can't complete the checkout proces. The shipping address form is faulty and is throwing JS errors. Can't continue. So I call customer support, they are aware of it, the workaround is to go to your profile and add a shipping address there. The issue has been known for a couple of weeks now. I find it hilarious to find such an error on a website from such a big brandname. November 13, 2017 at 04:38PM

Show HN: FunctionCI – Continuous Integration for AWS Lambda's

Show HN: FunctionCI – Continuous Integration for AWS Lambda's Hey guys, check out this open source tool I created for the Product Hunt Hackathon. Builds are done by AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodePipeline. Receive build notifications via Slack. Deploy via Slack. View build and deployment audit trails via Slack. November 11, 2017 at 05:32PM

Show HN: I Made a Massively Multiplayer Board Game to Test Django Channels

Show HN: I Made a Massively Multiplayer Board Game to Test Django Channels I've been trying to get permission to run a game of it from the publisher and designer (CGE & Vlaada Chvátil) but I haven't heard back. I've found demonstrating that there's interest in what you're doing is the best way to get ahold of people. So.. Anyone interested in trying a massive game of Codenames over Twitch? Not quite "For Science!" more "For Engineering!" Which, let's be honest here, has a much better ring to it. If you'd like to know more, I put up an FAQ up here: If you'd like to sign up to help, there's a form over there: Screenshots and a game play overview can be found somewhere under this: November 11, 2017 at 02:35AM