Show HN: Meatshields – An in-browser turn-based strategy game A few months ago (82 days to be exact!) I posted a link on HN to my game, Meatshields. A bunch of you commented and played my game and gave me some wonderful feedback. Over the last few months I've been playing with many of you and implementing the best of everybody's suggestions. So, thank you, HN for all your help! I feel this is an extreme overhaul I couldn't have done without your input. Since then, I have: Dramatically improved our hosting platform (So it HOPEFULLY won't go down this time (oops.)), Added two new units, Rebalanced all existing units, Added many more maps, Improved the AI's threat-weighing algorithm, Completely redid the tutorial system, Added some real basic (and I mean BASIC) "animations", Redid the in-game UI (several times), And most importantly, HUNDREDS OF BUG FIXES. For everybody who didn't see the original thread, Meatshields is a free, online, turn-based strategy...