Show HN: DataHub, open source datasets for Artificial Intelligence Hi HN! I am an undergrad student trying to build interesting things with AI. Recently, I was looking for a dataset I could use for a new project. I realized that it is really frustrating to go through all the government websites (with terrible UX) just to find some usable dataset. I set out to build a GitHub for datasets, named DataHub. Right now, we have more than 1000 datasets from Montréal and New York City, with more cities coming soon (and possible government agencies). All of this is wrapped into a powerful search. It's a breeze to find a dataset to work on. I'd be interested to know what you guys are looking at when searching for datasets and if DataHub could be of any help! September 2, 2017 at 05:24PM
Show HN: Personal CRM Google Sheets Add-On June 23, 2017 at 11:59PM
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