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Launch HN: D-ID (YC S17) – Protecting Identities from Face Recognition Tech

Launch HN: D-ID (YC S17) – Protecting Identities from Face Recognition Tech Hi all, We are D-ID, part of the YC S17 batch, and we protect identities from face recognition technologies. We’ve just launched on TechCrunch and signed our first pilot, so here’s some info about us :) With the advancements of face recognition technologies (both in accuracy and their growing use), the data in face images must be protected, because unlike passwords- you can’t change your face. Our product processes face images in a way that denies automated face recognition, while keeping them similar to the human eye. This helps companies which handle images (cloud storage or even just profile pictures of their employees/users) to comply with privacy regulations, such as the GDPR, in a revolutionary method in terms of data protection, technology and risk management. In addition, it helps them promote their brand reputation for caring for the privacy of their clients/employees. We also enable security agencies and governments to protect their citizens and employees. We're excited to offer companies a way to keep using images but without the responsibility of protecting the sensitive data they carry. We’d love to hear feedback from the HN community! Will be glad of course to answer any questions you may have. ( ) Cheers, July 22, 2017 at 09:11AM


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