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Showing posts from May, 2018

Facebook Tools Are Used to Screen Out Older Job Seekers, Lawsuit Claims

Facebook Tools Are Used to Screen Out Older Job Seekers, Lawsuit Claims

Show HN: S&P 500 Annualized Returns Fun Facts

Show HN: S&P 500 Annualized Returns Fun Facts I just grabbed the S&P 500 annualized returns, including dividends but not inflation, from 1871 to 2017. Some fun facts: -The longest run of positive returns is 9 years. -9 year positive return runs happened 3 times, 1894-1902, 1991-1999, and 2009-2017. -That means if 2018 is a positive return year, this would be the first 10 year positive return run ever in the 146 history of the S&P 500. -The average and median length of positive return runs is 3.6 years and 2 years, respectively. -The longest run of negative returns is 4 years, this happened once from 1929-1932. -The average and median length of negative return runs is 1.3 years and 1 year, respectively. -The best ever annual return is 56.8% in 1933. -The worst every annual return is -44.2% in 1931. 2008 was second worse at -37.2%. But from 2000-2002 there was a 3 year run of negative returns totaling -43.4% (-9.1%, -12.0%, -22.3%). -The average positive and negative annual r...

Launch HN: Necto (YC W18) – ISP Starter Kit

Launch HN: Necto (YC W18) – ISP Starter Kit Hey, we're Ben and Adam, the founders of Necto ( ). We're enabling local entrepreneurs to start their own Internet Service Providers by providing network engineering, monitoring, and business support as a service. We've seen huge improvements in last mile distribution technology in the last few years (cost, reliability, thoroughput, ease of deployment), but it hasn't translated into an explosion of ISP operators. We want to change that by allowing non-network-engineers to deploy their own networks and compete with the incumbents. Necto handles the networking setup, deals with the backbone providers, helps with distribution planning, and provides ongoing monitoring and support. The operators pick the markets, set the prices, and provide a great overall experience to their customers. We started our own ISP here in the underserved San Francisco markets of Bayview and Portola, with more neighborhoods to come. I...

Show HN: – Cloud Storage for Developers

Show HN: – Cloud Storage for Developers I've decided to bite the bullet and release and get some feedback. I've been coding for years and one of the things I constantly see companies do is write and rewrite a document storage system, so I decided to write one for them. uses cloud storage (currently Azure) to store documents but can be coded to use any cloud service. Documents can be public or private and URLs to that document can be used directly in HTML. There are currently a list of WebAPIs for developers to use as a tool, or build an entire system around. This is an MVP and it's simple. Upload a file, get a token; like a valet or coat check. When you want that file back, send the token and you get a byte stream. There is also a built in file converter, so you can can upload a docx file and retrieve it as a pdf by appending .pdf to the URL, for example:, or perhaps a tiff: Files can be marked as ...

Show HN: Alexa skill for Hacker News that summarizes articles

Show HN: Alexa skill for Hacker News that summarizes articles I've made a Hacker News skill for Alexa so people can get tech news while driving, cooking, or cleaning. The first version lists post titles and summarizes articles: I'll have lots of time over the next few months to refine it and add things like - comment summaries - selecting posts by topic, and eventually - answering questions about articles What do you think of the skill? What I should add to it? What do people think about voice assistants in general? To keep in touch, talk to me on Twitter or by email: May 2, 2018 at 01:39AM